The informative guide to understanding AR technology, it’s use cases and the future scope.
Open your phone and go back to the last Instagram/Snapchat filter picture you took. Take a good long look at it. Sure, that’s still you, but it’s much more than just you. What you’re looking at seems to be from an entirely different dimension, yet tangible! What you’re looking at isn’t hocus-pocus or fancy editing; it’s the power of augmented reality, plain and clear. It sounds like fancy tech, but what you may not realize is that it’s already poised to take the world by storm. From marketing to e-commerce, AR has been growing in leaps and bounds, redefining the way you perceive the world.
The Core Of AR
First things first, let’s get you up to speed about what AR actually is. Don’t worry, you don’t have to be a digital transformation whiz to figure it out! You’d be surprised to know that the principles of augmented reality are actually quite layman-friendly. Let’s kick things off with some fast facts!
– Augmented Reality is the process of placing digital elements and rendering it into real-world situations. Think of it as an overlay onto the things you see in the world, or a heads-up display for your vision.
– AR technology was conceptualized in 1968 at Harvard University by Ivan Sutherland. As you would expect, the tech wasn’t exactly user-friendly back then.
– The world was quick to grasp the potential behind adopting AR technology and taking it mainstream. Every IT company and tech startup wanted a piece of the AR pie starting from 2011.
– Today, AR is almost everywhere you look. Not just your Instagram filters and interactive games, but beyond that as well! Surgeons use AR to assist with intricate surgeries. Military pilots use it to improve their precision flight.
As you can see, AR isn’t just about sparkly effects and cool simulations. That’s more into VR territory, which is a whole different thing altogether. We’ll explore the applications of AR in a bit. To understand how to apply, we’ve got to comprehend the working principles of AR today. Brace yourself for some tech talk!
Digital Transformation: How AR Works
AR has come a long way since its inception, especially in the marketing and digital solutions sectors. Any AR technology requires three main components to it to simulate the augmented experience to users.
– The Input: The first step in AR is a sensor that can survey the environment. Since AR is rooted in elements in the real world, cameras (and even microphones at times) are essential for a holistic experience.
– The Computing: This part of the procedure involves crunching the parameters before rendering it onto the imaging. There are a plethora of factors to account for, such as spatial orientation and relative positioning to process. It’s a lot of math and calculations, which is best left to the experts in the IT and digital sector!
– The Rendering: This part is what you see as part of the AR experience. Every pixel, every element that you see in augmented reality is the output based on the processing of real-world parameters. If you’re playing Pokemon GO, for instance, that render is projected onto your phone screen. In other cases, it’s usually projected onto a surface, with the help of a green screen. The idea is to create a seamless experience that can guarantee immersion for you.
Now that you know the gist of how AR works, let’s take a look at how it works in practice. You’ll be able to recognize some of the following examples with ease. However, some others may not seem so familiar. Ready to play a guessing game?
Augmented Reality in Application
If you went up to the average retail marketer out there and asked them what AR was, they’d probably give you a blank stare before they got the point. Remember the title? AR is much more of a silent powerhouse in terms of commercial use. Let’s begin with a familiar example.
The Sports World

The obvious example we all know here is from cricket matches. Field placement, DRS appeals, most of what you see on a live telecast can be chalked up to AR work. Other sports like soccer also rely on AR for telecasting purposes. However, AR has extended its reach far beyond just your viewership on a screen. Nowadays, you can scope out prime stadium seats before you even decide on the tickets, thanks to AR.
Sales Prospects
In recent times, eCommerce has been a lifesaver for you, me, and everyone else in dire need of quality products. Augmented Reality has redefined the way businesses showcase their products. Thanks to Augmented reality simulations, you can now check how the product will look in your ideal setting right when you check the price tag! From IKEA’s furniture to designer clothes, Augmented Reality has got it all in the bag.
There’s a lot that goes on in our bodies that our naked eyes can’t perceive. What better candidate than Augmented Reality to fill that need, then? Augmented Reality solution can help people with sensory impairments get a new perspective in life. From a better vision to precise surgery, AR is your ticket to quality healthcare.
Learning and Development
AR has worked wonders in terms of education solutions. Ever heard of an interactive classroom?
Augmented reality solution makes it possible. The leaders of tomorrow are benefiting from Augmented Reality and gaining a more holistic education experience. Technical concepts are easier to grasp when there’s an interactive spin to it. It’s a win-win for everyone!
Pharma Sector
The field of bioengineering and manufacturing can hugely benefit from AR technology. Engineering specific drugs is an intricate process that requires clear-cut precision. AugmentedReality can help with the digital transformation of the processing in this sector through augmented reality elements. With an advanced interface, everything from the creation to the sales enablement can have a higher standard of quality.
How Can You Leverage/Benefit From AR?
Yes, you may think this question seems geared towards small entrepreneurs. However, Augmented Reality potential extends far beyond that. Every company out there is opening their minds to the possibilities AR brings. Augmented Reality’s customer immersion potential has proved time and again that it boosts sales by at least 30% if implemented correctly.
Compared to VR, AR is a lot easier to set up and get running smoothly. All you really need to get an experience kicked off is a dedicated app for the immersion. Your smartphone itself is smart enough to deliver quality AR experiences. Nowadays, businesses know this and believe in the potential of AR to catapult their business into the spotlight, silently but surely.
Augmented Reality is poised to conquer the world, one pixel at a time. The question is, are YOU ready to perceive life on a higher plane?